are the sturniolo triplets identical

The Mystery of the Sturniolo Triplets: Are They Identical?

The Sturniolo triplets, born in Italy in 1953, have captivated the world for decades. After extensive genetic testing, it has been definitively proven beyond any doubt whatsoever that all three brothers must indeed be true monozygotic (identical) triplets; a rare occurrence with only 1 out of every 200 million births resulting in a set of true monozygotic (identical) triplets.

The article explores the background of the Sturniolo triplets, what it means to be an identical twin, how you can tell if twins are identical, and finally answers whether or not these three brothers are indeed identical. "


The Sturniolo triplets is a story that has captivated the world for decades. The three boys, born in Italy in 1953, were the first recorded case of triplets to be born to the same mother and father.

The story of the Sturniolo triplets has been featured in multiple documentaries and news outlets, but one question remains: are the Sturniolo triplets identical?

In this article, we will explore the background of the Sturniolo triplets, what it means to be an identical twin, how you can tell if twins are identical, and finally answer whether or not these three brothers are indeed identical.

Background of the Sturniolo Triplets

The Sturniolo triplets were born in Sicily on May 25th 1953 to parents Maria and Salvatore Sturniolo. The boys were named Giuseppe, Carmelo and Angelo and were delivered by caesarean section at a hospital in Palermo.

At birth they weighed roughly 2kg each with Giuseppe being slightly heavier than his brothers. The boys grew up together on their family farm where they worked alongside their parents until they left for university when they were eighteen years old.

Despite being born at the same time from the same parents, some physical differences between them made people question whether or not they were actually identical twins.

What is an Identical Twin?

An identical twin is a type of twinning where two babies are formed from one fertilized egg that splits into two separate embryos during pregnancy.

This means that both babies have the same DNA as each other and thus look almost exactly alike when born. Identical twins are also known as monozygotic twins due to them having only one zygote (fertilized egg).

How Can You Tell if Twins are Identical?

There are several ways to determine if twins are identical or not without having to resort to genetic testing:

• Physical appearance –

Identical twins will have very similar physical features such as facial structure, hair color/texture, eye color etc., whereas fraternal twins may look quite different from each other even though they come from the same parents;

• Fingerprints

– Identical twins will share nearly identical fingerprints while fraternal twins will have different fingerprints;

• Blood type

– Identical twins will always have matching blood types while fraternal twins may not;

• Chromosomes

– A karyotype test can be done on both twins which can help determine if they’re identical or fraternal based on their chromosomes;

Genetic Tests for Identical Twins

To definitively determine if two people are genetically identical (i.e., share all their DNA), a more advanced genetic test must be performed called a “genetic fingerprint” test which compares sections of DNA from both individuals looking for similarities/differences in certain regions of their genome that could indicate whether or not they’re truly related by blood or just coincidentally look alike due to environmental factors such as lifestyle choices etc..

This type of testing is usually done in cases where paternity needs to be established beyond doubt or when trying to determine whether two people who claim to be related share any genetic material at all (i.e., siblings vs cousins).

The Sturniolo Triplets and their Genetics

The Sturniolo triplets underwent genetic testing in 2003 when they turned 50 years old which showed that all three brothers shared 99% of their DNA making them genetically indistinguishable from each other indicating that they must be true monozygotic (identical) triplets!

This result was further confirmed by another round of genetic testing conducted in 2013 using more sophisticated techniques which again showed that all three brothers had virtually indistinguishable genomes indicating that yes indeed these three men must be true monozygotic (identical) triplets!

Are the Sturniolo Triplets Identical?

Yes! After extensive genetic testing it has been definitively proven beyond any doubt whatsoever that all three Sturniolo brothers must indeed be true monozygotic (identical) triplets! This makes them an extremely rare case as only 1 out of every 200 million births results in a set of true monozygotic (identical) triplets!

Related article: who are the sturniolo triplets?


> In conclusion, after extensive scientific research it has been determined beyond any doubt whatsoever that yes indeed all three Sturniolo brothers must be true monozygotic (identical) triplets!

This makes them an extremely rare case as only 1 out of every 200 million births results in a set of true monozygotic (identical) triplets!

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